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 Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 50% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional a través del Programa operativo FEDER 2014-2020 de Navarra

Products range

The products AM manufacturers can be classified into three differents groups:


Lighting solutions

LED and fluorescent lighting systems

In this family we include all components and finished products related to indoor lighting, such as lighting, LED strips, profiles and displays.
Our lights meet different applications depending on its technology, LED or Fluorescent. This family is not closed to applications outside the areas where they are currently designed for.
Click on the right image for more information.


Power conversion systems


In this family we include the DC / DC low and medium power converters as well as current and voltage regulators, electronic ballasts and LED controllers. This family is not closed to applications outside the areas where they are currently designed for.


Click on the left image for more information.


Electrical brake (Retarder).

In this family we include all components and finished products related to the electrical brake controlling, such as the relay boxes, handles and control interfaces (low speed cutting, ABS, etc..)
Click on the right image for more information.

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